Cameron University is pleased to announce the names of students who completed graduation requirements at the end of the Spring 2020 semester.
Cameron University has scheduled two graduation fairs to assist students who are completing their studies and plan to participate in spring Commencement.
Employers interested in recruiting talented students, alumni and community members are encouraged to participate in Cameron University’s Red River Career Expo, which will take place virtually from Monday, March 8, through Friday, March 12.
Samuel Becket’s “Waiting for Godot” comes to the Cameron University stage on Thursday-Sunday, February 18-21, in the University Theatre. The curtain opens at 7:30 p.m. each night, except for Sunday, February 21, when the show starts at 2 p.m. The University Theatre is located west of the intersection of 27th Street and A Avenue.
Speaker, author and consultant Kari Mirabal will bring her networking expertise to Lawton next week when she presents “Network Smarter: Top 10 LinkedIn Profile ‘Must-haves’” at Cameron University. Mirabal’s appearance takes place at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 10, in the McCasland Ballroom on the second floor of the McMahon Centennial Center.
Cameron University’s Department of Art, Music and Theatre Arts will host auditions for its production of “The Theory of Relativity” at 7 p.m. on Monday, February 22, and Tuesday, February 23, in the Cameron University Theatre. The University Theatre is located west of the intersection of 27th Street and A Avenue.
Students attending Cameron University this fall will see changes to the overall cost of going to college, but many of the changes will be ones they should like. Housing rates for students who choose to live on campus will remain unchanged from last year. Cameron also plans to reduce or eliminate some of its academic services fees for 2020-2021. Meal plans will increase only slightly.
A Cameron University professor is one of five southwest Oklahoma mentors who have been recognized by the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence and their community mentoring organizations during National Mentor Month.
When Cameron University professor Hyunsoon Whang sits onstage at her piano Thursday, Feb. 4, she won’t be alone. Joining Whang will be special guest Keith Robinson on cello as they present “An Evening of Russian Music for Cello and Piano” featuring the works of Rachmaninoff and Shostakovich.