Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus


  1. A requisition requesting goods or services needed may be manually typed on a requisition form, according to the previously stated purchasing procedures, and submitted to the purchasing agent in the Business Office. All specifications for the item(s) must be shown on the requisition.
  2. The requesting department must submit a list of vendors who would bid/quote on the item(s), while requesting that the purchasing agent review the vendor files to be certain that the vendors are responsible.
  3. The purchasing agent submits bid/quote requests to vendors. The vendors return bids/quotes to the purchasing agent. Normally vendors are given three days to twenty days to submit the bids/quotes.
  4. The purchasing agent reviews bids/quotes for validity and sends them to the department requesting the goods or services for their review and guidance on the selection of the lowest and best offer.
  5. The requesting department reviews all bids/quotes to make sure all the required specifications for the item(s) were met by the vendors. The requesting department is required to accept the lowest and "best value" bid/quote unless the bid/quote is non-responsive. If the lowest bid/quote is not recommended, a reason for the decision must be submitted to the purchasing agent.
  6. The department enters the requisition into the Banner system for the purchasing agent to print a purchase order for the goods or services awarded.
  7. The purchasing agent reviews the purchase request for accuracy and proper authorization. If the purchase request is in order it is processed. One copy of the purchase order is returned to the department.
  8. The amount of the purchase is encumbered to the requesting department's budget.
  9. Allow 2-6 weeks for the entire process of procedures to occur and to obtain the purchase. (Quotations – 2 weeks; Bids – 3 to 6 weeks)
  10. Requisitions for goods or services over $250,000.00 must be submitted to the Purchasing Agent for inclusion on the next agenda of the Board of Regents for their approval before the bid can be awarded.