Eleven Cameron University education students have been accepted into the Upsilon Xi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi, the international honor society in education. Selection as a member of Kappa Delta Pi requires high academic achievement, a commitment to education as a career, and a professional attitude that assures steady growth in the profession. Only those who have exhibited the ideals of scholarship, integrity in service, and commitment to excellence in teaching and its allied professions are granted membership.
Nineteen Cameron University students have met the rigorous requirements to join Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and largest all-discipline honor society. Membership is by invitation only to the top 10 percent of seniors and graduate students and the top 7.5 percent of juniors.
Three Cameron employees have been honored as recipients of the university’s Staff Awards for Excellence. Susan Hill, Jordan Lambert and Joseph Roberts are the recipients. Nominations were made by CU students, faculty and staff. In order to be eligible, nominees must have been employed full-time at Cameron for at least one year.
Middle school students in grades 7 and 8 will learn tips and concepts that can have a positive impact on their lives during CU Money Smart, a one-day camp focusing on financial literacy. Attendees will learn the fundamentals of finance and economics, money management strategies, how to build up a personal savings account, investing and more. The camp will provide an opportunity to make young students money smart, to learn the choices they will face regarding how they will spend money and the tools they need to financially succeed in an increasingly competitive and globalized world. The camp is set for Wednesday, June 15, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Johnson Auditorium located in Ross Hall.
Cameron University students Hailey Ida-Marie Carter, Lawton; Hunter Nicole Gault, Elgin; and John Alexander Young, Lawton; have been inducted into Alpha Phi Sigma, the international honor society for criminal justice that recognizes academic excellence of undergraduate and graduate students of criminal justice.
The Cameron University Department of Mathematical Sciences is pleased to announce the acceptance of new members into the university’s chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon (PME). PME is dedicated to the promotion of mathematics and recognition of students who successfully pursue mathematical understanding. Cameron's chapter, the third to be established in Oklahoma, was founded in 1979.
Four Cameron University students have been elected to membership in Gamma Sigma Epsilon, a national honor society in chemistry.
The Cameron University communication program recently celebrated the accomplishments of students enrolled in strategic communication and journalism and media production classes.
“Onward,” Cameron faculty member Jack Crouch’s unique take on Jacques-Louis David’s famed painting “Napoleon Crossing the Alps,” has been selected for inclusion in Strange Paradise: A Window into Surrealism. The national exhibition is hosted by Annmarie Sculpture Gardens and Arts Center, a Smithsonian Institution affiliate in Solomonds, Md., and will run from May 27 through September 18.