The Collegian, Cameron University student-run newspaper, was honored by the Oklahoma Press Association in its “2019 Better Newspaper Contest.” The publication received awards in four categories of the Overall Newspaper competition, and two Cameron students earned accolades in individual categories.
Cameron University has announced the President’s and Dean’s honor lists for the Spring 2020 semester. To make the President’s Honor Roll, undergraduate students must be enrolled full-time (carrying at least 12 hours of classes) and maintain a straight A average (4.0). The Dean’s Honor Roll requires a B average (3.00-3.99).
Cameron University has received approval from its governing board, the Board of Regents for the University of Oklahoma, Cameron University and Rogers State University, as well as the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, to offer seven more existing degree programs via electronic delivery in addition to their current face-to-face and/or hybrid delivery methods. The degree programs approved for electronic delivery are the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Sports and Exercise Science, the Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Criminal Justice, the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Criminal Justice, the Associate in Science (AS) in Business, the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Business Administration, the Master of Education (MEd) in Reading, and the Master of Science (MS) in Behavioral Sciences (general psychology track).
Nine Cameron University students have been elected to membership in Gamma Sigma Epsilon, a national honor society in chemistry. Gamma Sigma Epsilon’s mission is to promote the pursuit of knowledge and truth, both as ends in themselves and to aid in the uplifting of the human condition; the respect for all things living and non-living, reacting and non-reacting; and the promotion of scientific research, particularly in the field of chemistry.
The Cameron University Department of Art, Music, and Theatre Arts honored the accomplishments of CU’s theatre arts students through a virtual award ceremony recently.
Cameron University students Katherine Book and Jessica Smith have been accepted into Psi Chi, the international honor society in psychology. Psi Chi’s mission is to recognize and promote excellence in the science and application of psychology. Membership is open to students who are majoring or minoring in psychology.
Cameron University has received access to $1,749,140 through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund as part of the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security). The funds will be distributed to eligible students to offset unanticipated financial costs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Cameron University President John McArthur has been appointed to the 16-state Postsecondary Education Recovery Task Force by Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Chancellor Glen D. Johnson, who is acting in his capacity as co-chair of the task force. The group was formed by the Southern Regional Education Board in response to COVID-19.
Five students from the Cameron University education programs at Rogers State University have been accepted into Kappa Delta Pi, the international honor society in education. Selection as a member of Kappa Delta Pi requires high academic achievement, a commitment to education as a career, and a professional attitude that assures steady growth in the profession. Only those who have exhibited the ideals of scholarship, integrity in service, and commitment to excellence in teaching and its allied professions are granted membership.