Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus

Enrollment Information

All students must be advised prior to enrolling for the upcoming semester. Contact the Academic Advising Center or your Department Advisor to schedule an appointment.

Enrollment Dates


Spring 2025

Summer 2025

Fall 2025


October 22

March 25

March 25


October 22

March 25

March 25


October 23

March 26

March 26


October 24

March 27

March  27


October 25

March 28

March 28

Open Enrollment (All Students)

October 28

March 31

March 31

Application Procedure

Office of Admissions North Shepler, 2nd Floor, 581-2289

Submit an application for admission to the Office of Admissions by mail or in person or complete online. Pay $20 application fee to Student Accounts in the Administration Building.

Freshmen or Transfer Students with less than 24 hours of credit

  • Submit an official transcript from high school, or GED, and official transcripts from all colleges attended.
  • Submit official ACT scores if under 21 years of age.
  • Computerized Placement Tests (CPT) required if over 21 years of age.

Transfer Students with 24 or more hours of credit

  • Submit official transcripts from all previous colleges attended.


To be readmitted, complete the application for admissions online or in the Office of Admissions and pay the $20 application fee.

Online Students

Complete the application for admission online. Online students may contact a faculty advisor in their discipline by phone or email to be enrolled.

Military Students

Active-duty Army military students who intend to use tuition assistance must apply for admission online at the ArmyIgnitED portal (copy and paste the link into your browser. You may need to be logged in with your CAC prior to opening the website).

Graduate Students

Graduate students may complete an application for admission online or in the Office of Admissions or email for more information.

Cameron University-Duncan

Students in the Duncan area may complete the admissions and enrollment procedures at Cameron University-Duncan, 3100 W. Bois D'Arc, Duncan, OK. 877-282-3626.

Placement Testing

Cameron University uses ACT scores, High School GPA, and transfer work to determine placement in English, mathematics, reading and science courses for first-time Cameron students. Students with an ACT score of less than 19 in English, mathematics, or reading, or High School GPAs below 3.0 are required to take a remedial course in the subject area or be approved for placement in a collegiate level course based on performance on a course placement test (CPT). Students may be required to remediate any mathematics or reading performance deficiencies prior to taking a science course.

The Testing Center is located in the Academic Commons building in Room 135. Schedule a course placement test here, or call 580-581-2502. CU-Duncan students may schedule testing by calling 877-282-3626.  

Enrollment Procedures

Academic Advising Center North Shepler, 1st Floor, 581-6741

  • Once admitted,  students should schedule an appointment with a faculty advisor or Advising Specialist in the Advisement Center. Students will be assigned a primary Advising Specialist during the admissions process or during orientation.
  • Active duty military students who intend to use tuition assistance must enroll online at Students must visit with an academic advisor concerning advisement and enrollment.  For additional assistance, visit the Registrar's Office, 2nd Floor, North Shepler, 581-2238.
  • Refer to the online schedule for closed or cancelled classes and explanation of enrollment holds.

Dropping and Withdrawing

DROPPING: Courses dropped during the first ten days of a regular semester, first five days of a summer or eight-week session or proportionate period of a special schedule, will not be recorded on a student's academic record.  Refer to the Academic Calendar for specific dates.

WITHDRAWING: Courses from which a student withdraws after the drop period and prior to the end of the twelfth week of a regular semester or proportionate period of other sessions will be recorded on a student's academic record with a course status symbol of "W".  See the Academic Calendar for specific dates.

Students may not withdraw after the twelfth week of a regular semester or proportional period of other sessions.

To add, drop, or withdraw from a class, students with an Academic Advising Center, Student Support Services, or CU-Duncan advisor should meet with their advisor. Other students may process their own adds, drops and withdrawals in Aggie Access using a PIN number provided by an assigned advisor.

Non-attendance or ceasing to attend class does not constitute official withdrawal.

COMPLETE DROP/WITHDRAWAL: To completely drop/withdraw from ALL classes, students with an Academic Advising Center, Student Support Services, or CU-Duncan advisor should meet with their advisor. Other students must complete the withdrawal in Aggie Access using their PIN number issued by the student’s academic advisor. If unable to perform the transaction, email the Registrar’s Office at and request assistance with the drop/withdrawal. Included in the email should be student’s name, ID number and information about the course(s) (CRN, prefix, course number). Dropping from a course will remove the record from the student’s academic transcript. Withdrawing from a course will result in a "W" on the transcript. Refer to the Academic Calendar for drop/withdrawal dates. Please contact the Registrar’s Office at 581-2238 for more information.

Student I.D. Number & Card

Upon admission, you will be assigned a unique student I.D. number. This will be a six-digit number assigned by the institution - not your social security number. You may obtain your student I.D. card at Student Accounts in the Administration Building or CU-Duncan.