Cameron University will host the CU Opportunity Fair, which will provide students, alumni and community members with opportunities to meet and interview with local companies who offer part-time jobs, internships and/or volunteer positions. The events takes place on Tuesday, September 13, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the McCasland Ballroom of the McMahon Centennial Complex.
The Cameron University Alumni Association (CUAA) invites artists from throughout southwest Oklahoma and beyond to submit an application to create a mural for the upcoming Aggie Art Walk, a display of original artwork that will be displayed on the CU campus later this fall. Anyone may apply to participate. A minimum of 12 artists will be selected. Design submissions should revolve around the theme of “Connections.”
The Cameron University Office of Veterans Affairs will host three claims processors from the Muskogee VA Regional Processing Office on Tuesday, September 6. The veterans claims examiners will be on the Cameron campus to assist veterans, active service members and their dependents.
“This is Herland: Gendered Activism in Oklahoma from the 1870s to the 2010s,” co-edited by Dr. Sarah Eppler Janda, professor of history at Cameron University, and Dr. Patricia Loughlin, is one of two selections chosen to represent Oklahoma at the National Book Festival in September. The Oklahoma Center for the Book selected Janda’s book as well as “Run Little Chaski! An Inka Trail Adventure” by Mariana Llanos to represent Oklahoma as part of the National Center for the Book’s “Great Reads from Great Places” program.
Cameron University has announced the President’s and Dean’s honor rolls for the Summer 2022 semester. To make the President’s Honor Roll, undergraduate students must be enrolled full-time (carrying at least six hours of classes for the summer semester) and maintain a straight-A (4.0) average. The Dean’s Honor Roll requires a B (3.00-3.99) average.
The Cameron University Foundation has received $650,568 through the sale of stock that it received as a gift more than 40 years ago from community leaders Floyd Freeman and Ewell Lacy. As partners in a group of Lawton businessmen who chartered Wichita National Life (WNL) in 1957, Freeman and Lacy played a significant role in establishing a locally owned and operated insurance company that has served the citizens of southwest Oklahoma ever since.
The Cameron University Alumni Association is seeking donations for the university’s Campus Closet, a repository of household goods and apparel that is available to all Cameron students.
Cameron University has named 25 freshmen and 3 juniors to join the Presidential Leaders & University Scholars (PLUS) program for the 2022-2023 academic year. The PLUS program is designed to reward students who have demonstrated academic excellence and outstanding leadership capabilities and to teach these students skills that will prepare them for dynamic leadership roles in their respective careers.
Longtime Cameron University employee Sarah Stroud has been named director of the university’s Open Doors and Upward Bound programs, following the retirement of Beth Gregory. Stroud, who joined the CU staff in 2001, was most recently assistant director of the Upward Bound program.