Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus


General Guidelines

  1. The Department of Social Sciences is committed to excellence in student advisement and believes strongly that faculty should advise all students pursuing majors or minors within our academic programs.
  2. The department believes that students are best served when they consistently work with the same advisor, as this promotes familiarity with the unique circumstances facing each student on the part of the advisor and provides a comfort level for students by providing them with a single point of contact for all of their academic advisement needs.
  3. The department believes that proper advisement takes time and that students are best served when their faculty advisors are prepared in advance to meet with them. Accordingly, "drop-in" advisement is strongly discouraged. Instead, the department is committed to requiring students to make appointments in advance via e-mail, telephone, or personal contact for advising sessions with their advisors.
  4. All new majors and any current students who do not have a specific advisor will be assigned advisors by discipline (see below for details)
  5. In special circumstances where time is critical or an assigned advisor is simply not available, another discipline-specific faculty member may provide temporary advisement when available.
  6. Students who wish to switch from their assigned advisor may do so provided they contact the department chair or administrative assistant and request to do so. This will ensure that departmental advising records are kept up to date and that advisement workloads are distributed fairly among faculty.

Advisor Assignment Guidelines

Note: The department chair will advise all department minors and complete all military student or VA degree checks.

Check with the department office, Degree Works, or the chart below to locate your assigned advisor.

Department of Social Sciences Advisors

Criminal Justice Associates & Bachelor's Degrees 

Student's Last Initial


Office #


Dr. M. Cretacci

CON 215


Professor R. Lowe

CON 216

History Bachelor's Degree

Student's Last Initial


Office #

A,H,I, N,Q, T, W, Y

Dr. S. Janda

CON 208E

B-E, G, J, K, L, M, O, P, X

Dr. D. Catterall

CON 214E

F, R, S, U, V, Z

Professor T. Childs

CON 208F

Political Science Bachelor's Degree

Student's Last Initial


Office #

A-C, L, M

Dr. M. Greer

CON 214D

D-L, S-U

Dr. J. Metzger

CON 214B

N-R, V-Z

Professor S. Hooper

CON 212

Social Studies Education Bachelor's Degree

Student's Last Initial


Office #

A-D, K, M-O

Dr. E. Montalvo

CON 208D

E-J, L

Dr. S. Janda

CON 208E


Professor T. Childs

CON 208F

Sociology Bachelor's Degree

Student's Last Initial


Office #


Dr. S Lee

CON 214C

Any Degree

Student Last Initial


Office #

Anything, A-Z, as needed

Dr. L. Janda

CON 100A

Honors Program

Advisor: Dr. L. Janda
Office: CON 100A
Phone: 581-2517

Advisement Tools

Planning Your Program

Advisement Task




see an overview of the courses required for a Social Sciences degree:

Degree Requirements

create a written record of your degree progress:

Degree Plan

see an electronic version of your degree progress:

Degree Works

see course descriptions:

Catalog Course Descriptions

Things to Consider as You Plan.

  1. For Political Science: Remember that PS 2113 and PS 2793 are both required for graduation and are both only offered once every two years (PS 2793 in even-numbered years, PS 2113 in odd-numbered years). You should, therefore, take them as soon as possible. Make sure that you consult the planning check-sheet in selecting your 3000- and 4000-level electives so that you take at least one class from each of the five major subdivisions.
  2. For History: Complete at least one survey course in a given sub-field of History before taking advanced work in that area. Take History 2133 at least 1 full academic year before History 4793 so that you give yourself time to learn the research and writing skills needed to succeed in the Senior Seminar.
  3. For Social Studies Education: Take PSY 1113, EDUC 1800, and EDUC 3003 within the first two years of your degree program or you will delay the date of your program completion. GEOG 2243 is offered only in fall semesters. HIST 4773: Methods of Teaching Social Studies are offered only in fall semesters. HIST 3043: Oklahoma History is offered only in the spring semester. Complete HIST 2133: Introduction to Historical research and Writing by the end of your junior year or you will delay the date of your program completion.
  4. Space out your 3000- and 4000-level major electives so that you take no more than 2 to 3 per semester.
  5. Make sure that you consult the planning check-sheet in selecting your 3000- and 4000-level electives so that you take the right combination of electives.

Is There Financial Help Available?

YES! The Financial Aid Office can assist you with applying for federal student aid as well as other scholarships available to you through the university. And the Department of Social Sciences has Tuition Waiver Scholarships for eligible majors in all bachelor degree programs. Click on the link below for further information!

Scholarship and Financial Aid Information