Press Releases

CU’s Dr. Ioannis Argyros co-authors mathematics textbook; research provided by math students

Cameron University’s Dr. Ioannis Argyros, professor of mathematics, is the co-author of “Contemporary Algorithms: Theory and Applications Volume IV,” a new edition to the Mathematics Research Developments Series published by Nova Science Publishers. Argyros wrote the textbook with Dr. Santhosh George, professor of mathematical and computational sciences at the National Institute of Technology in Karnataka, India.

Cameron announces Summer 2024 honor rolls

Cameron University has announced the President’s and Dean’s honor rolls for the Summer 2024 semester. To make the President’s Honor Roll, undergraduate students must be enrolled full-time (carrying at least six hours of classes for the summer semester) and maintain a straight-A (4.0) average. The Dean’s Honor Roll requires a B (3.00-3.99) average.

Cameron University will host education claims processors from U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, representatives from Fort Sill

Are you a veteran, active service member or dependent with questions regarding VA benefits? On Wednesday, September 4, you’ll be able to get assistance from representatives from key veterans organizations who will be on-site at Cameron University. CU’s Office of Veterans Affairs will host the representatives from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Room 301 of North Shepler.

CU students undertake research projects thanks to OK-INBRE

Six Cameron University students spent a good part of their summer break participating in research projects funded by the IDeA Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE), a federally funded grant program that originates from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at the National Institutes of Health. Chemistry majors Leilani Hunter, Bianca Karnes and Jacob Thorne as well as biology majors Solomon Meraz, Lorena Ponce de Leon Nieves and Molly Potts conducted their research on the CU campus before attending the INBRE Research Symposium to present their findings in late July.

Cameron’s Keith Vitense named ACS Fellow

Cameron University’s Dr. Keith Vitense, a professor emeritus who currently serves as the university’s EOO Officer/Title IX Co-Coordinator, has been named an ACS Fellow by the American Chemical Society. Vitense, who retired in June 2020 as a professor in the Department of Chemistry, Physics and Engineering, was a member of the CU faculty for more than 30 years.

Press Releases by Year