The Cameron University Department of Social Sciences has honored students as outstanding majors in political science, history, sociology and criminal justice. New members were also inducted into Phi Alpha Theta, the national honor society in history, and Pi Sigma Alpha, the national honor society in political science.
The achievements of Cameron University students and student organizations were recognized during a recent awards ceremony hosted by the Office of Events and Activities.
Three Cameron employees have been honored with the university’s Staff Awards for Excellence. Tammy Loyd, Jehan McKnight and Kristi Vallery are the recipients. Nominations were made by CU students, faculty and staff. In order to be eligible, nominees must have been employed full-time at Cameron for at least one year.
A group of Cameron University students had the opportunity to present their undergraduate research projects during the university’s recent President’s Partners celebration, an event recognizing the contributions of donors to the Cameron University Foundation.
Three Cameron University students have been recognized as Distinguished Military Graduates (DMG) by the U.S. Army Cadet Command. DMGs are commissioning cadets who finish in the top 20 percent of Army graduates on the national Order of Merit List by achieving superior grade-point averages, strong performance in the Army Combat Fitness Test and proving their worth as exceptional leaders in their college ROTC training. The DMG designation will remain on their Army record throughout their military career.
“Numerical Processes for Appoximating Solutions of Nonlinear Equations,” a research paper co-authored by CU faculty member Dr. Ioannis K. Argyros, CU alumni Samundra Regmi and Christopher I. Argyros and Dr. Santhosh George has been honored with the 2024 Best Paper Award by Axioms, an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of mathematics, mathematical logic and mathematical physics.
Cameron University’s Iota Sigma chapter of the Delta Mu Delta (DMD) International Honor Society in Business recently conducted a ceremony to welcome new members. Delta Mu Delta recognizes and encourages academic excellence to create a DMD community that fosters the well-being of its individual members and the business community through lifetime membership.
The Cameron University Department of Art, Music and Theatre Arts has announced scholarship awards for students majoring in one of the department’s three academic disciplines, as well as one scholarship that is presented to a non-music major.
Cameron University students who have not yet completed the Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) are encouraged to do so as quickly as possible. For students who only attended Spring 2024, the deadline is May 3. For students who are attending Summer 2024, the FAFSA deadline is June 30. Although the deadline for the 2024-25 school year is June 30, 2025, students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA now.