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President's Partners Current Members

Cameron University President’s Partners are remarkable individuals, organizations and businesses who are working to better the CU Campus with their annual pledge. As they choose to remain President’s Partners members year after year, they accumulate recognition and prestige within this elite group.

* indicates Lifetime Member
**indicates Honorary Member

Legacy President's Partners

Tracie Tuck-Davis*
Robert and Carrie Miracle**
Cynthia Sanner

Corporate President's Partners - $2,500

Dobson Family Foundation - Roni Graham
Ft. Sill Federal Credit Union - Jayson Sims
Green Family Trust - Buddy and Lisa Green
HG Jenkins Construction - James and Sharon Jenkins
Southwest Mazda - Justin and Heather Rogers
Southwest OK Fed Credit Union - Emmett Meraz, III
Southwest Toyota - Justin and Heather Rogers
Sovereign Bank - Heather Hoffman

President's Partners - $1,000

Ann Acers-Warn
Adventure Travel - Hossein Moini
Affiliated Transportation Systems - Terry Bell*
Affiliated Van Lines of Lawton Inc - Richard Allen
Alan Aycock, M.D., Inc. - Alan and Sandy Aycock*
Nancy Alexander
American Electric Power - Michael Hixson*
American National Bank*
Jack and Joyce Amyx
Anderson Pharmacy & Accents - Shawn and Christi Anderson
Sam Ard*
Mark and Linda Ashton
Jari Askins
AT&T - Kyle Coulter*
Byron and Doris Aycock*
BancFirst - Duncan - Natalie Cole*
Barry and Neta Beauchamp
Becker Funeral Home - Phil and Patsy Rabon*
Florence and Walt Belland*
Don and Lynda Bentley*
Stephen and Sherri Bentley*
Ajay and Shireen Bhargava*
Billingsley Ford of Lawton - Craig and Jamie Billingsley*
Danielle Blackburn
Tia Blansett
Ted Blodgett*
Michael and Connie Blose
Blue Halo - Gregory Thomas
Brady's Decorating - Brady Clifford*
Rick and Barbara Braught**
Virginia Brewczynski*
Burney Brewer**
Todd and Lori Bridges*
George and Linda Bridges*
Brittain Merchandising Company - L.D. Brittain*
Richard Brittingham*
Charles and Louise Brown*
Leora Brown*
Shawn and Krystal Brue
Jack and Judy Bryan
Burgess & Burgess, Inc. - Brad and Karen Burgess*
Bonnie Burton
Mollie Burton*
Susan and Mark Camp
James and Carolyn Campbell*
Carey Johnson Oil Company, Inc. / EZ GO - Carey Johnson, Jr.
Dorothy Carter*
John and Carol Carter*
CDBL, Inc. - Michael Brown
Sharon Christensen
Citizens Bank - Gilbert Gibson*
City National Bank - George Porter, III
Clarence E. Page Foundation**
Brad and Rhonda Clemmer
Coldwell Banker Crossroads Realtors - Johnny Kinder*
Coleman Research Corporation*
Comanche Home Center - Phil and Anita Kennedy*
Community Escrow & Title Co. - William Bartley*
Construction Management Spec - Cary and BJ DeHart*
Jimmy and Sharon Cooper*

Michael and Laura Coponiti
Noah "Abe" Cornish
Corvias Group LLC/Sill Housing - Amber Moser
Cotton Electric Cooperative Inc. - Jennifer Meason
William and Carol Crawford*
Chris and Melissa Crimmins*

Julia and Brad Cunningham
Don and Beverly Davis*

Jean Davis*

Wilma Davis*
Charles "Chris" Deal
Wolfgang and Janet Deeg
Ronnie and Diane Denham*
Phil and Jennifer Dennis
Dale and Nancy Dowell
Robert and Karen Drewry**
Donald and Zoe DuRant
Easton's LLC - Kenneth and Pamela Easton*
Keith and Amanda Erwin**
EZ Go Foods*
Loyal and Chlorica Farmer*
Fred and Natalie Fitch*
Fleetway Car Sales - Dan and Diane Mullins*
Flintco Constructive Solution - Mark Grimes*
Fort Sill National Bank - John Davis*
Sheila Fountain
Eric and Kay Frische*

William and Yvette Furtado*
Ron and Loree Gaines
Don and Diane Gaskins*
Michael and Shaun Geiger*
Gelnar Ranch - Jacob Gelnar
Gilbert and Aulena Gibson*
Ernest and Jane Godlove*
Goodyear Tire and Rubber - Colby Clodfelter*

Charles and Betty Graybill*
Nathan and Linda Grantham*
Great Plains AMBUCS - Gordon Shaw*

Charles Green*
Harold and Elizabeth Hackler*

Hamra Realty Company - Adeline Hamra*
Robert and Nadine Hanefield
Bob and Jean Harbison*
David and Tiena Harrell*
Cecile Hash and Linda Orr*
Hatch Croke and Associates - Scott and Laura Hatch
Hazel Lee Fitch Revocable Trust*
Henniges Automotive - Chase Massie

President's Partners - $1,000 (cont.)

T.J. and Pat Henry*
J.C. Hester*
Robert & Sally Hillis*
Patrecia Hollis
Barbara Ann Hughes*
Independent Insurance Agents of Lawton, Inc.**
J.R. Montgomery Bancorp - George Porter, III*
Johnny Owens Commercial - Johnny Owens*
Albert and Tammy Johnson, Jr.
Jay and Sarah Johnson*
Jim and Kay Johnson**
W.C. Johnson*
Philip and Marlene Jones
Margery Kingsley and Eric Cox
Darlene Kleypas*
Paul and Karla Korhonen
Jerry and Polly Krasser
Frank and Anna Claire Kuchta
Katherine Lacy
F.J. Lashley*
Lawton Communications/CellPg - Arthur and Kim Patrick*
Lawton Ft Sill Chamber of Commerce
Leadership Lawton Inc.
Brett and Sunny Gale Leavell
Thomad Leckman*
James and Cheryn Lee*
Rose Lepien*
Liberty National Bank - Mark Henry
Ernest "Gene" and Carolyn Anne Love**
David and Lisa Madigan, Jr.
John McArthur and Karla Oty
Thomas McCasland, III and Monica Moss-McCasland
James and Joyce McClary
Farrell McGoohan*
Melvin and Barbara McGuffin *
Loren and Rebecca McKeown*
Mark and Jennifer Meason
Robert and Barbara Meyers
Christopher Meyers and Jeanne Rock*
Frank Michener*
Steven and Erin Miller
Brian "Keith" and Teresa Mitchell
Burt and Jeannie Montague*
Andrea Montgomery and Mark Haddon
Patrick and Sandra Montgomery
Christian and Steven Morren
John Morris
Lonny and Dottie Morrison
George and Tresea Moses*
Kathryn Newport*
Mary Jane Noble*
Mark and Sheree Norman*
Oklahoma Legal Process Serv. - Don Scott*
Pam & Barry Inc.
Lon and Betsy Parks*
Ruth Petty**
Ruby and James Phillips*
George Porter, III and Mary Dzindolet
Pride Fitness and Training, LLC
Raulston Furniture Co.*
Doug and Lisa Restivo
Ivica Ristovski
Cory Robinson
Cindy Ross
Mary and Howard Rubin*
Sarkeys Foundation - Richard Bell**
Schutz Food Market - Kurt Schutz*
Helen Schutz*
Kurt and Renate Schutz*
Mike and Melody Scott*
Scott's House of Flowers - Jeremy and Robbe Lohman
Gordon Shaw and Jeanette Clement-Shaw
Smith and Sons Insurance**
Clodus Smith*
James and Connie Smith
Orville and Melba Smith
J. Terry and Kathy Snider
Sodexo - Joseph Worrell
Southwest Oklahoma Opera Guild - Sue Smith**
Southwest Sales - Jim and Melanie Eason*
Southwestern Medical Center - Adam Bracks*
Yancy and Laura Spivey
Neil and Melvalyn Springborn
John and JoAnn Sterling*
Richard and Carol Storm
William and Nancy Strange
Bloomer and Glenda Sullivan*
Summit Utilities, Inc. - Keith Thomas
Kerry and Robert Sweeney*
Sylvan Learning Center - Hossein Moini
Tec-Masters, Inc. - Hillary Brown
Emma Tomlinson*
Harvard and Judith Tomlinson**
Von and Kirsten Underwood
V and L Enterprises, Inc. - Virginia Brewczynski*
Ronna Vanderslice
John and Ginger Veal
Keith and Pamela Vitense
Roberta Vowell**
Carter and Darla Waid
Hyunsoon Whang
Wilson Wholesale Company - Maxie Crouch*
Floyd and Patty Wininger
Ronald and Christie Woodson*
WW Vending Company*
Todd and Elizabeth Wyatt*
Kenneth and Dorothy Youngblood*
Bob and Deanna Ziegler*

Associate President's Partners - $750

Carey and David Monroe

Associate President's Partner - $650

David Madigan, III
Katie Madigan