Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus

Upcoming Events


Money and Relationships WorkShop

Buddy Green Room, MCC · 2:00 - 3:00pm

Sara M. Lorenzen, M.Ed, from Oklahoma College Assistance Program will be presenting a workshop on how love and money merge together. No matter your relationship stage, you must be wise about your resources and protecting your assets. Focusing on your financial well-being isn't setting your relationship up for failure; it's a wise precaution. Join us as we discuss how to communicate about money with a partner and protect your assets while pursuing healthy relationships. This workshop is open to all Cameron students and their partners.


Afternoon with OU Health Sciences

McCasland Ballroom, MCC · 1:00 - 3:00pm

This program is an opportunity for prospective students to meet one-on-one with representatives from any of the seven academic colleges within OU Health Sciences. Students can ask questions about admissions, have transcripts evaluated, find out about student life or general information regarding HSC’s academic programs and campus.

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How to Make Your Graduate School Application Stand Out – Guest Speaker

Shepler Ballroom, Shepler Center · 12:30 - 1:45pm

Samuel Wheeler, Ph.D. CFLE, the Senior University Representative for University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences, will speak to students about the qualities of a strong prospect and how to stand out in a competitive applicant pool. This event will include information on many options in healthcare and what they entail, the admissions requirements, and what a competitive candidate looks like. This event is aimed towards students majoring in Allied Health, Psychology and Sports & Exercise Science, though any student with an interest in health sciences can attend.