Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus

Student Persistence and Completion Committee

The Student Persistence and Completion Committee supports ongoing activities and initiatives to improve persistence and completion among all student categories including 1) reviews of student and program performance data; 2) recommendations to the President or appropriate vice president for new persistence and completion initiatives and modification or discontinuation of existing initiatives; and 3) provides or sponsors programming to inform university faculty and staff members of best practices and new national trends in persistence and completion.


Faculty: Two elected at large by the Faculty; one faculty representative appointed by each academic dean, assistant vice president, and associate vice president to include at least one person delivering developmental instruction and one person delivering synchronous or asynchronous distance learning instruction.

Staff: One staff representative appointed by each of the following: Dean of Students; Director of the Academic Advising Center; Director of Admissions; Director of Athletics; Director of Student Housing; Director of Financial Assistance; the Registrar; and the Vice President for Business and Finance.

Students: Three appointed by the Student Government Association President, one of whom is enrolled online or at a learning site.

Administrators: The Vice President for Academic Affairs or his/her representative (ex- officio, nonvoting); the Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Success or his/her representative(ex-officio, non-voting); the Director of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Accountability or his/her representative (ex-officio, non-voting).