Cameron Students posing for a picture on Campus

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee administers and reviews the University’s program for the care and use of non-human vertebrates in research and approves IACUC related projects as needed between review sessions.


The IACUC consists of five members not including the Institutional Official (IO). Membership includes: Committee Chair, scientist, nonaffiliated member, nonscientist, and veterinarian or other members as appointed by the IO.

  1. Alternate members: At the IO’s discretion, alternate members may be appointed with a specific one-to-one designation of IACUC members and alternates. An IACUC member and his/her alternate may not count toward a quorum at the same time or act in an official member capacity at the same time. Alternate members should receive training similar or identical to training provided to regular IACUC members.
  2. Conflict of Interest (COI): IACUC members with a potential COI should notify the Chair and may not participate in the IACUC review except to provide information. Members with a COI may not count toward a quorum and may not vote.
  3. All members are appointed by the IO in collaboration with the Faculty Executive Committee.
  4. Committee members shall serve two year terms.