Password Requirements
Your Cameron Domain password is designed for use across many services offered by ITS. When you reset your password it:
- Must be at least 8 characters long
- Must include at least one uppercase letter
- Must include at least one lowercase letter
- Must include at least one number
- Must include one of any of the following punctuation symbols
- Underscore _
- Minus Sign -
Please note: the following characters should NOT be used when generating a new password for your account: ~ * | \ / ! . @ $ & ( ) , < > ` ‘ ; = # or space
Your Blackboard password will not be changed. If you require assistance with your Blackboard account, please contact the Academic IT Center for assistance.
If you run into any issues or problems, please contact the Help Desk at or call 2454
Students may contact the Academic IT Center at or call ext. 2829, 2568 or 2338